Escaping the Heat and Humidity

Wow! It’s been an incredibly hot last few weeks here in the Mid-West.  Getting up early to run is the only way to avoid the really high temperatures, but then the humidity levels are much greater in the morning too – so there’s really been no way to avoid it.  Europe awaits however, and a

Video Links

I just wanted to share a few news pieces that have come out in the last few days. As we get ready to leave for Europe, we’ve had a busy few days with different groups coming to film Nick’s preparation for the games. Here’s the first one that aired a few days ago. And here’s the… Continue reading Video Links

Speed Sunday workout—300m PB

We brought the camcorder down to the track to film and analyze Nick’s running form and luckily, we caught his fastest 300m ever on film. With 7 weeks until his first heat in the Olympics, his speed and strength seem to be coming around nicely! I love his reaction at the end as he looks down to his watch! Sorry about my wonky filming!


WANTED: Ron Warhurst, well known track coach, has been sighted in South Korea along with his young trainee, Sierra Willis, who is being influenced by his recent path of destruction and forgetfulness. After nearly missing his flight at the Detroit airport due to a forgotten passport, Warhurst managed to arrive in Korea two days ago.… Continue reading WANTED


After nineteen days abroad and three races down, we’ve finally settled down a little bit. The past week we’ve been in a small town in central Italy called Spoleto. Nick races next in Monaco on Friday so we needed to find a place where he could train in between races. To be honest, we didn’t… Continue reading Spoleto